Robotics Projects Chennai


Robotics Project in Chennai

EEE Projects Centers offers you 2021 Robotics Projects Chennai for ECE students at the best price in Chennai. In Chennai, our projects are developed based on IEEE paper in our center's students are welcomed to get their projects.

Our Project List is below. 

  1. Dish Delivery Robot for Restaurant
  2. Low-cost Touch-Based Wheelchair
  3. Android phone Accelerometer Sensor-Based Robot Navigator
  4. Android Speech Recognition Controlled Intelligent Robot
  5. Automatic pathfinding Robot
  6. Bluetooth communication system for control of a Mobile Robot
  7. control Wireless Spy Robot with Video capture
  8. Live Human Being Detection Wireless Remote Controlled Robot
  9. Room cleaning Robot
  10. Super Intelligent Line follower Robot
  11. Android Controlled Pick and Place Robot
  12. Wireless Surveillance Robot Controlled by pc
  13. Advanced Military Spying Robot
  14. Head-driven Wheelchair with patient monitoring
  15. RF-based Fire fighting Robot
  16. Pick N Place Robot Arm and Movement controlled by RF 434mhz
  17. Bomb Disposal Robot
  18. IR Remote Controlled Robot using Arduino
  19. Field Exploring Robot
  20. Robot as a Waiter for Restaurants
  21. Efficient Visual Obstacle Avoidance for Robotic Mower
  22. Modeling and Simulation of a Moving Robotic Arm Mounted on Wheelchair
  23. Robotic Assistant for Mobility-Impaired Patients
  24. Closed-Chain Manipulation of Large Objects by Multi-Arm Robotic Systems
  25. Bioinspired Ciliary Force Sensor for Robotic Platforms
  26. Managing robot kinematics based on Arduino controllers using a Unity system
