Artificial Intelligence Control Projects Chennai
Artificial Intelligence Control Projects Chennai
Here is a list of project ideas based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students belonging to the third year or final year can use these projects as mini-projects as well as mega-projects. This list has been complied with after referring to the project ideas that have come across the forum in the last few years.
If you have questions regarding these projects feel free to ask them in the replies below. You may also ask for an abstract of a project idea that you have or want to work on.
1 Crore Project Center provides the best 2021 artificial intelligence control projects in Chennai. Check their website now and find the recent projects.
- Design and Implementation of an Acoustical Transmission Protocol
- Evaluation of Multi-Agent Platforms for Ubiquitous Computing
- Rapid Development of Realistic UAV Simulations
- A machine learning approach in financial markets
- Background Analysis and Design of ABOS, an Agent-Based Operating System
- Intelligent Tourist Information System
- Large Scale SLAM in an Urban Environment
- Integrating actions of perception to the electric field approach
- Performance Comparison of AI Algorithms – Anytime Algorithms
- Software Process Improvement Using Groupware – Supporting Distributed Cooperation in Software Development
- Plan-Based Configuration of a Group of Robots
- Automated Theorem Proving – Resolution vs. Tableaux
- A Multi-Agent System for playing the board game Risk
- Navigation for Autonomous Wheelchair Robot
- Classification of objects in images based on various object representations
- Visual Semantic Web Ontology-based E-learning management system
- An Electric Field Approach – A Strategy for Sony Four-Legged Robot Soccer
- A method for collision handling for industrial robots
- Controlling a Robot Hand in Simulation and Reality
- Laser feedback control for robotics in aircraft assembly
- Source:
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